Reading with my children is THE BEST!  I love the quiet time, snuggled together, sharing so many wonderful books with both my 1 year old and 3 year old (and sometimes shedding happy tears in the process).  Here are 5 of our favorite books:

1. On the Night You Were Born  by Nancy Tillman. I first read this book when I was expecting, and I couldn’t get through it then without getting choked up. Since reading it more and more, I’m able to finish it tear-free sometimes, but it just reminds me how beautiful and unique each of my children are.  They are true gifts from above.

2. The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein. This is such a classic book. I often think as parents we are the tree, trying to do whatever we can to make our children happy and providing unconditional love. HOPEFULLY I can teach my children to be more giving in return than the boy in the book. Tears usually come closer to the end.

3. My Firstborn, There’s No One Like You  and My Youngest, There’s No One Like You by Dr. Kevin Leman & Kevin Leman II.  I received these books as gifts from my mom, and they are both sweet on reminding my firstborn and youngest how they are each special in his and her own way.  Again, I’ll be crying by the final pages.

4. Tonight You Are My Baby by Jeannine Q. Norris.  I received this book last year, and remember reading it to my daughter and baby boy last Christmas. This was around the time when I decided to become a SAHM for awhile.  It’s a sweet take on Mary’s view of Baby Jesus, repeating the line throughout the story, “Tomorrow you will be King, But tonight you are my baby.”

5. Love You Forever by Robert Munsch.  This is probably the biggest tear-jerker of them all!  I remember hearing this read and sung for Mother’s Day, and all of the moms (myself included) were crying.  I need to practice reading this one, or maybe let Daddy O. have a go at it!

Do you have any favorite children’s books that make you cry?  Let me know!  We’d love to check them out.

Be sure to check out the great resource that Jennifer at Turtle and Robot put together, including the list: My Top 20 Books for a Baby.  I just looked at it for Christmas gift ideas for my kiddos.