This post should be no surprise, as I’ve written about reading challenges through our local library before in this post (1000 Books Before Kindergarten) and this one too. We have since finished the 1000 Books program and kept right on reading every day with our kids.

The Summer Reading Program is always so awesome, giving options for kids who are listeners and readers. At the half way point and again at the end, kids receive packets of coupons to so many family-friendly attractions. Plus for reading recommended authors, (a great way to discover new, good books), they are entered into a drawing.  I just received an email saying that my daughter WON one of these drawings for a gift card to a local custard & burger joint. YES!

Reading Challenges, we LOVE you!

Reading Challenge Complete
Finished – one of my kid’s reading logs for the summer reading program.

By doing all of this reading, it has become a daily ritual in our home, in the car, at church…books seem to always be with my kids. We’ve received books for free from these programs, and thoroughly enjoy going to the library regularly to check out new books, participate in their many activities, or just play with toys that support early literacy. I feel very fortunate to live in a community with such a wonderful public library!

It’s fun raising super readers!