To put the “social” in social media a bit more, I couldn’t help but participate in the latest Old School Blogging Q&A that I was tagged in by Kerry from Breadwinning Mama.  Blogging certainly has given me a glimpse into the minds and lives of so many interesting people – many of whom I consider “virtual friends,” as I eagerly read about your latest musings.

So if you want to know more about my marriage, babies, and sources of bliss, read on!  And feel free to participate too by grabbing the Old School Blogging button & copying and pasting the questions below.

1. How did your husband pop the big question?

He had just moved to Pittsburgh the night before, and I remember him calling me several times during the day while I was at work.  I thought it was a little out of the ordinary for him, but I figured he was bored with unpacking.  After another phone call, I came home and was greeted at the door by a very dressed up boyfriend.  He brought me inside, where he had arranged all of the postcards, letters, and little things we had exchanged while living in separate states and even countries (I worked in Tokyo, Japan, and studied in Vienna, Austria after dating my now husband for only six months).  He brought up memories of our relationship and said something to the effect of, “You’ve given me all of these things, and now I have something I’d like to give you.”  He got down on one knee, broke out the ring, and popped the big question! I said YES!

2. What are the three most surprising things about married life?

Time passes so quickly – we’ve been married for seven years now, and I can still remember our wedding like it was yesterday.

It really can take a lot of work to make time for each other – especially after having children!  We try to do date nights at least once a month and are trying to carve out time daily to connect with one another.

We have discovered new hobbies together – we first met playing basketball, but have also played volleyball together.  We also enjoy cooking, searching for the best Wisconsin cheddar, drinking wine, snowshoeing, hiking, and traveling.  My husband is also an amazing driver’s ed teacher, patiently teaching me how to drive stick-shift!

3. How did you find out you were pregnant for the first time?

I thought it was bad Mexican food that I had while going out to eat with two of my closest girlfriends. After calling them, and realizing that they were not sick, I took a pregnancy test the next morning. When the “pregnant” line became clear, I woke up my husband to share the exciting news! He asked if I followed the directions (not sure how you can mess up peeing on a stick besides “missing” all together) and was sort of in a morning haze of disbelief / excitement.

4. How did you choose your first baby’s name?

My husband actually found my daughter’s name, and I found our son’s name.  I think they both came from baby books, though I do know that we liked the meaning of their names.  My daughter’s name means wisdom, and my son’s means diligent.  We hope they are BOTH smart and hardworking…someday!

5. Describe where you see yourself in 10 years from now…

Hmm, this sounds too much like a job interview question!  Well, I will be working in a marketing / management role.  Okay – on to family life –

Our children will be in late elementary school and middle school!  We would eagerly share in their activities and continue creating our own memorable family outings and vacations.  I’d like to travel internationally with my husband to Japan and with my entire family to the UK and Austria.  We will most likely still live in Wisconsin to be close to our families, while traveling across a few states to visit aunts, uncles and cousins from time to time.  I know for SURE that we will escape Wisconsin winters for a little reprieve!

6. Describe how you find bliss, either with words or images.

I find true happiness in some of the most unexpected moments.  It can be something funny that my children say – for example, my daughter refused to run ahead with me during our walk, saying she wanted to stay with our whole family.  I always love a good hug and cuddling up to read stories together. The images below are wonderful reminders of how blessed and happy we all are!

My little man grinning and wrinkling his nose
My little man grinning and wrinkling his nose
smiling in the snow
Big sister’s BIG Smile

Playing outside with my daughter

Mama O and Family with "Engine" cake
Celebrating special moments as a family

Now tag 5 of your bloggy friends!

I’d love to read about engagement, marriage, babies and bliss from my friends at these fabulous blogs – Motherhood is an Art, Keeping it Real, Pursuit of Plenty, The Sadder but Wiser Girl, I Will Have My Cake.

Anyone else who’d like to play, please do, let me know and link up with Elaine!