For my final day of the quote challenge, I give you a quote from Maya Angelou:

maya angelou quote

Who doesn’t love Maya Angelou and the beautiful words she weaves together? I like this quote because there’s always room to learn and grow. I want to be better and do better for myself, my kids, my husband, family, friends, community, and so forth.

This has been a really fun challenge! I’ve enjoyed sifting through some of my favorite quotes to share. Check out my first quote on parenting here, and keep reading my second quote on the little things here. Thanks for the nomination, Mommy Lanes Adventures!

Here are my 3 nominees for this 3-day challenge. Just post a favorite quote for 3 consecutive days and nominate three others to do the same!

  1. Kerry On!
  2. Momma Blogs A lot
  3. Wine & Cheese Doodles