The lack of naps today is really cramping my style – specifically my desire to blog and be on the computer uninterrupted. Given my circumstances, this is the best, quick, random post that I can offer today.  It’s been hanging out in my drafts for sometime, so I figured I’d just let it free.

After countless diaper changes, blow-outs, leaks, wipes and smells, I HAVE NO DESIRE to play with BROWN PlayDoh.  Please discontinue this color, or make it go missing in my house.

I am pretty much immune to all bodily fluids having successfully potty trained one child, getting spit up on, puked on, peed & pooped on.  It can all be cleaned up!

It is so nice to just go into a store by yourself – no one else to get out of car seats, haul in the store, or coerce back into the car.  Being alone is so easy now, and I enjoy it….for awhile until I start missing my family!

When my kids fall asleep in the car, and I have errands to run, I would LOVE to have a drive thru for Target and the grocery store.  I could just hand over my list to a friendly store associate, and he or she could quickly run around the store, gather my things, and return with a portable charge card thing-a-ma-bob, so I could pay when they delivered everything to my car.  My kids would continue to sleep peacefully through all of this.  A true win-win!

Am I ADD? Is being around my children shortening MY attention span, as I watch them go from one thing to the next?

I never realized how LONG it can take to get three people ready (myself included) and out the door, dressed in full winter gear, fed, teeth brushed, bag packed for our outing.  Today we went swimming and it took FOREVER to leave our house and the locker room – possibly longer than we even swam! Ugh…

I have no patience for an adult being late (without having any kids to distract you).  C’mon adults, it’s called planning and time management!

I appreciate the little things more – a dinner without milk getting spilled all over the floor, kids putting away their dishes in the dishwasher without too much prodding, quality sleep night after night, fewer timeouts.  This parenting thing CAN and IS getting easier at times, and we celebrate the successes as a family!