sleeping big sister
sleeping big sister

My daughter LOVES her sleep!  In this picture above, she fell asleep while on a wagon ride at 13 months old, and CONTINUED to sleep after I brought her inside and unbundled her a bit.  It was IMPRESSIVE to say the least!!

Now as a 3 year old, I still see that baby face when she’s snoozing.  Though she may not nap everyday anymore, when she does, I have to employ the “gentle wake system.”  This is a term coined by my husband, who believes in gradually waking up – turning on the radio, slowly increasing the light in the room, and just laying in bed.  As I started the waking process shortly before dinner yesterday, she simply said, “No, mommy, no,” and waved me away eyes still closed.

In that instant, I fast forwarded ten to thirteen years, when I’m quite positive she will be a teenager wanting to sleep in until noon.  I wonder if I will still be able to see that sweet, baby-like innocence in her face when she’s a teen.

Do you know kiddos who need the “gentle wake system” too? Is it just me, or do you also see your baby when your child sleeps?